LP Dividends

Unlock special LP Dividend rewards by providing LP in either Index Pool or Future Pool. LP dividends is different from LP rewards

How to earn LP Dividend

  1. Provide liquidity in either Index Pool or Future Pool

  2. Stake your LP tokens in the Double Staking Protocol

  3. Lock staking for minimum 1 month duration

  4. Vote in DAO for which services you want to provide to other protocol (you need minimum 100 $POIN to participate in DAO). Learn more which services available to vote here

  5. If you don't vote in DAO, you are not participating to earn the dividend

  6. Track your dividend earnings in the dashboard

  7. Claim your earnings at the end of each month

How to claim LP Dividend

  1. Go to the LP dividends pool or your profile dashboard

  2. Click claim button when it is eligible

  3. Pay your gas fee and enjoy your rewards!

Warning: you are only eligible to earn LP Dividends by lock staking your LP tokens ($IPTS & $FPTS) in the Double Staking Protocol. Please read carefully to avoid any missinformation

Common NFTRare NFTEpic NFT

10% of the Pool

30% of the Pool

60% of the Pool

Rewarded monthly

Rewarded monthly

Rewarded monthly

Payment in stable coin

Payment in stable coin

Payment in stable coin

Gas fee included

Gas fee included

Free gas fee

100 $POIN and common NFT subscriptions

100 $POIN & rare NFT subscriptions

100 $POIN & epic NFT subscriptions

Dividends Calculation

Assuming there will be $1,000,000 LP revenue in June 2023, 65%of the Protocol Revenue or $650,000 will be distributed to the dividends every month


Pool shares

50% of LP Revenue

50% of LP revenue

Total rewards




Base on the shares of the pool

Base of the shares of the pool


Steve owns 1% shares of the pool, Steve will get $3,250 dividends each month

Steve owns 1% shares of the pool, Steve will get $3,250 dividends each month

Minimum lock

1 month

1 month




Last updated